Breanna Miller's amazing clay creations and more!

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How long have you been creating clay sculptures?
I have been sculpting since middle school. I actually had a small commission business of making horns and accessories for cosplays.

For the readers who have never worked with clay: What goes into molding a clay creation?
Working with clay takes a lot of patience. Depending on the texture of your clay, you can use different tools to help with cuts and textures. For very small pieces I like to use a sewing pin to carve and detail. I have even used a hair to paint on such a small surface.

What other types of oddities and curiosities do you create?
I am an amateur taxidermist and I make memorials. I mainly work with spiders and small pets. I also do leather work and make fur clothing/accessories.

What is the most difficult sculpture you've made?
I considered my realistic tiny hearts to be the hardest with size and technique, but I think the hardest I made would have to be a Gengar pot for plants.

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