Meet Jimin, acclaimed yoga instructor from Singapore with 180k followers on Instagram

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How long have you been doing professional yoga, and what inspired you to become an instructor?
I have been practicing yoga for 7 years and teaching yoga for 5 years. I met an inspiring yoga teacher who became my role model. Even in her 60s, she continues to be my inspiration.

Typically when many of us think of yoga, "fun" isn't necessarily the first word that comes to mind... but your reels really look like so much fun! Are they as fun to make as they are to watch? (:
Yes, it is really fun! I practice a lot of Kids Yoga, and it's full of bloopers. Sometimes, we don't even plan for them. I always thought the reels should be aesthetically perfect, but nowadays, I enjoy posting bloopers!

What is the best way to start learning yoga?
Find someone who can inspire you and practice with them regularly. Remember, all yoga is good, but not all yoga is the same. I encourage you to try as many classes as you can and find a teacher who resonates with you. Keep practicing and remember, consistency is the key!

Many of your yoga reels feature you and your daughter. What exercises do you recommend for mother-daughter yoga time?
Basically, any movement that you and your daughter enjoy is good. Ask her what she wants to learn or explore, and go with the flow! Acro yoga or Partner yoga are always fun to practice together. Using props such as drums, bears, or music can also add to the enjoyment!

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